Welcome to A. Lorne Cassidy Elementary School!
Every day at ALC, we learn and play on the unceded and unsurrendered land of the Algonquin Anishinaabe Nation. As a community we value and honour the history of the land, and we work each day to further our learning and unravel misconceptions as we continue to work towards authentic relationships in Truth and Reconciliation.
Located in the heart of Stittsville, A Lorne Cassidy (ALC) offers Bilingual Kindergarten, grades 1 to 8 Early French Immersion and English with Core French programs, and grade 4 to 8 Middle French Immersion. In addition, we are an Extended Day Program (EDP) site and provide before and after school care to students registered in the EDP program.
ALC is a dynamic learning community where we strive to create a safe and caring environment that supports students in maximizing their individual potential. We truly believe that all children do well if they can, and our role as educators is to provide the skills and supports to ensure they can! We also recognize that children will make mistakes, and when that happens, our goal is to support them in learning from those mistakes. We embrace Restorative Practices and follow the progressive discipline policy within the OCDSB when working through situations. Our goal is for children to learn from the mistakes they make, and give them the opportunity to start fresh once a situation has been worked through.
At ALC we are committed to creating equitable learning environments for all students and families. We recognize the work that needs to be done to peel back the layers of racism and oppression that exist within our systems. Our educators are actively engaged in ongoing learning to better understand their bias and privilege and work to ensure that their instructional practice and interactions do not further cause harm to students, but reflect the diverse and dynamic community we have!
Our educators bring a wide range of skills and talents to this community and strive to create engaging instructional programs to enrich learning. They embrace the opportunities to learn and continue to build their practice to best meet the needs of each learner in the classroom.
Beyond the classroom, students are offered a wide variety of extra curricular activities, from sports to the arts and everything in between! If there is something students might want to do, but it is not currently available, all they need to do is ask and teachers will do their best to make it happen!
We are a team in your child’s journey. Please do not hesitate to reach out if there is something we might be able to do to make their time at ALC better!
Every member of our ALC Community brings something special to our school, and we are so glad you are here!
Trish and Cara