Hot Lunches are BACK!
This School Year 2024-2025 we are offering the following hot lunches;
Boston Pizza, JoJo's Pizza, Subway & Popcorn and our newest Pita Pita
Here are the instructions to order. Orders are closed for the JAN-MAR session. Watch for details for the remainder of the school year (April-June)
Sorry to anyone who misses this deadline. It is imperative that you place your order right away.
Ordering is open for the school lunch program! Lunches available from Jo-Jo's Pizza, Subway and Boston Pizza. Popcorn Fridays from Kernels popcorn. Please see all the details and register on the ordering site.
How to Order
Our Access Code is: ALCHL
- Once registered, you will be logged into the website.
- Add the students by clicking on the ‘Students’ button or the ‘Profile’ menu tab.
- Proceed to place your lunch orders by clicking the ‘Order’ button below each child’s name.
- Payment options are online only; we will not be accepting cash or cheque payments.
- Orders are now closed. Stay tuned for next Session
- Payment options include paying online; we will not be accepting cash or cheque payments.
If you had a previous account and it is NOT working, contact the email below for a reset.
- No refunds for students who are absent from school on a lunch day for any reason – this includes school organized activities such as sports and field trips. Thank-you for your understanding.
- If your child will be absent on a lunch day, you can call the office and have their lunch given to a sibling ONLY. Or it can be held in the office for pick up later in the day. Shuffling lunches around the school makes a lot of work for volunteers and teachers
- If there is a snow day, we will do our best to reschedule for a later date.
We are in much demand for Volunteers
Help out with this important fundraiser, it takes about 1 to 1.5 hours on Monday, Wednesday or Friday morning on the lunch days. With a bunch of volunteers you would only need to come in 1 or 2 times a month!
Email Lea Button at alclunchcoordinator@gmail.