As we gather today on the stolen, unceded and unsurrendered land of the Anishinaabe Algonquin Nation, we must take the time to acknowledge the history of the land and the enduring impact white settlers have had throughout history on the Indigenous people of Canada.
We have a responsibility to honour and respect the four directions, land, waters, plants, animals, ancestors that walked before us, and all the wonderful elements of creation that exist and recognize how we have benefitted from it all.
Each day, as settlers, we must to work to unravel the misconceptions and learning that has happened through centuries of Canadian history to build authentic relationships and lean into truth and reconciliation.
Our School
A. Lorne Cassidy Elementary School opened in 1991 in Stittsville. The school is named after a former Carleton Board Superintendent of Schools whose contribution to the development of special education programs was recognized throughout the province.
The notions of community and family are very highly valued at our school. Teachers and parents work together in all aspects of school life, with the best interests of children as our primary focus. We are dedicated to making our school a place where students achieve in an atmosphere that is comfortable, focuses on the development of their character and offers lots of opportunity for developing all aspects of each student as a person. Our school is a vibrant place that offers much to every student, each and every day.
Our Students
Total enrollment (January 2024): 432
17% of our students are presently enrolled in English programs and 83% are enrolled in French Immersion programs. Once our students complete grade 6 they attend either Maplewood Secondary School or Goulbourn Middle School.
Our Staff
Our talented staff represents a wide range of educational backgrounds, interests, and expertise. The teachers work cooperatively to provide a consistent delivery model for instruction. Early Childhood Educators and Educational Assistant work alongside teachers to support student learning and achievement. Our office staff, Library technician and a custodial team further support the work of creating a safe and inclusive learning environment for our learners.
Our Community
Our School Council’s mission is “to help make the whole school environment the best it can be.” The Council strives to enhance communication between parents, teachers, children, and administrators; and to address current educational issues, trends, and curricula. It has been proactive on Board issues, participating on committees, compiling parent input and ensuring its voice is heard. The School Council liaises with nearby schools to work on common issues and devise joint solutions. Council committees coordinate volunteers and fund‐raising. Many volunteers take part in organizing charitable events; providing services such as pizza, sub and hot dog days; fund‐raising activities to support and enhance school programs; and assist in the classroom, and at extra‐curricular events.
Mission Statement
The acquisition of the knowledge, attitudes, skills, and values required to successfully participate in, and contribute to a competitive and rapidly changing global society begins early in life and continues throughout one’s school career and beyond. ALC is thus a learning community where all strive to grow and achieve in an atmosphere of cooperation, consideration and respect for self and others. A positive school climate and a strong partnership between staff, students, parents and the wider community provide the foundation for each of our students to become active, responsible citizens. We all share the common goal of helping each student to develop to his or her personal potential.
Academic Programs
- English Program
- Early French Immersion Program
- Middle French Immersion
Special Education and ESL Programs
We have a Special Education Learning Support Teacher (LST) who oversees the interests of students with special needs, and provides advice and programming support for all students who are identified through the IPRC process. The LST works closely with classroom teachers in developing IEP’s (Individualized Education Plans). In addition, we have a Special Education teacher (LRT) who works within the classrooms of all students who have been formally identified. These students are therefore able to remain within their classroom learning community. It allows for a dynamic and fluid approach consistent with Ministry recommendations found in the Expert Panel Report on Special Education “Education for All”.