Bus Cancellation Reminder:
When a bus is cancelled either partial day or all day, you are to be prepared to pickup/drop off your children as a "Walker".
What that means is, the fence along the school yard is where all the parents meet their children at the end of the day and drop them off in the morning. Please park a block and walk up to the fence line to keep our side streets safe from parked cars. Please see the "Walk a block" on the OSTA website. http://www.ottawaschoolbus.ca/
Sign up for the OSTA (Ottawa School Transportation Authority) notifications on their website at: http://www.ottawaschoolbus.ca/
this way you will be notified directly from them if your bus has a cancellation or a delay. Please review it directly on their site if you do get a cancellation as sometimes it's only a partial cancellation. If the bus is running at the end of the day, children will be getting on it. If it gets cancelled last minute at the end of the day, they are dismissed as walkers.
KINDERS: If you have multiple children and they are in kindergarten. Please pickup the kindergarten at their gate first between the end of day 3:30-3:40 and then the older children at the fence line afterwards.
End of day for regular Grades 1-8 is 3:45pm. Please be there before 3:40.
Please also review with your children their bus numbers and their bus colors. Here is a quick chart for your information if you are not sure.
2021-2022 Transportation List/Bus Routes
J13 Van
P35 (A.M) Brown Bear
P17 (P.M) Brown Bear
V108 Green Tree
V27 Blue Whale
V59 (A.M) White Cloud
V127 (P.M) White Cloud
V67 Orange Pumpkin
V68 Pink Flamingo
V69 Purple Violet
V85 Red Cherry