Events & Fundraising

Our School Council is run by a dedicated group of volunteers and we are always on the lookout for more. We run a series of fundraisers throughout the year. Some are designed for community building and others are for a specific purpose.

We are very fortunate to have a strong sense of community. The continued efforts of our School Council and all of the volunteers within the school contribute to a rich enhanced school experience. Volunteering your time, skills, and expertise help make this a rich learning environment for our children.

Hot Lunch Program (
Our Hot Lunch Program is one of the biggest fundraisers for the school, and can not run without the help of our ALC parents. Please consider helping us make this year a success!

Play Structure Fundraising
Starting in 23/24, the School Council has identified a need to begin fundraising efforts for a new play structure. As our current one is aging and replacements are costly, we want to be in a strong position to replace the current one when the time comes. Keep an eye out for dedicated events to raise money for this initiative!


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