Welcome Back 2024!

Welcome NEW and Returning Students!
Posted on 09/03/2024
Welcome NEW and Returning Students!

 We look forward to having all our returning students and our NEW students join us on September 3rd. 🐤 
🌟OPEN HOUSE for NEW Students:  We will have a tour for new students and new kinders in the last week of August. on Wednesday, August 28th @ 1-2pm.  If you would like to join us, please arrive on time as this will be a tour.  Please watch our website for updates.
Please read and review all of the important information: 
Keep this information for reference when you need it.
School Hours:
Drop off time:  9:00am-9:15am (there is no supervision outside of this time)
Dismissal time for Kinders:  3:30-3:40pm (kinder yard) 
Dismissal for Grades 1-6:  3:45pm,    Pickups:  at the Fence not on school yard. 

Office Hours:  8:30am-4:30pm
Closed Summer, Christmas Holidays, March Break, Stats

*Children can NOT be dropped off to the school before 9am and absolutely cannot remain at school waiting on parents after 3:45pm.  Please respect the school day hours, we do not have supervision before or after these time frames.  (Emergencies happen: call the school directly)
*Kinders are dropped off at their kindergarten yard directly, please make sure an adult has seen you and your child before leaving.

If your child is not a busser but is a "walker":  Please see the kindergarten fence yard at the back of the school yard near the bus loop.  You cannot park on school property during pick up and drop off times.  You must park on the side streets and walk up the sidewalk to the kinder play yard for pick up and drop off daily.  Follow the parents at the link fence.  The teachers will greet you every time you pick up and drop off, always connect.

Kindergarten Intake Form
 is attached to this email.  Please fill these in and send them to us as soon as possible if you have not already completed.  This helps our teachers learn about your child before they meet.  *If your child has any disabilities that need to be known in advance, PLEASE let us know right away.  Thank you.

Forms to fill out:
MEDIA FORM &  TECHNOLOGY FORMS  These 2 forms are required to be filled out and signed by the end of the first week of school.  
MUST be filled out by September 6th for teachers to be able to instruct.
Please complete one for each student you have.  Thank you.

Here is the direct link to the school boards Supply list, but in our school these are the most used and common items our teachers request:   Look through your children's items often.  Feel free to send in a box of pencils, glue sticks, pencil crayons or markers for your child's classroom. 
Reach out to your teacher anytime to ask maybe what they could use? Kleenex is great in fall/winter, extra items in the class.. etc. 

School supplies, lunch boxes, reusable water bottles, backpacks, hoodies, coats etc should ALL be labelled.  We see enormous amounts of items sent to goodwill, because nobody claims them.  We have a large lost and found area and we would like children to make sure they are being responsible for their items. Lets keep their items with them and out of these bins. :-)

Recommended but not required School Supplies for Kinders:   Their teachers always appreciate the obvious most used items, but these WILL be shared, do not need to put them in a case for individual use.  Glue sticks, little people scissors, kleenex, wipes, lunch/freezer baggies, craft items, plasticine, playdough, etc.  Anything is helpful throughout the year, your teachers can better help with what they have planned.

Here is the direct link to the school boards Supply list, but in our school these are the most used and common items our teachers request:   Look through your children's items often.  Feel free to send in a box of pencils, glue sticks, pencil crayons or markers for your child's classroom or even a box of kleenex or wipes to help support clean classrooms during cold/flu seasons. 

Recommended supplies for Grades 1-6:  
Individual scissors(appropriate for age)
Erasers-white are easiest
Glue sticks (item used the most)
Pencil Crayons
Crayons (primary gr1-3)
Binder (gr4-6)  (a little bit of lined paper in binder to start)
Pen (gr4-6)
Geometry Set (gr4-6)
Calculator (gr4-6)
Duotangs (gr4-6) 1 of each color, used often by many teachers for subjects.

These are RECOMMENDED but not required.  
***Please reach out directly to myself or Miss Trish if you need us to put together a backpack and supplies for your child/children, we will be more than happy to help.

SHOES and the Weather:
We ask that all children are dressed for the weather, they will get wet when it rains, they will get cold when it snows, dress appropriately for the weather, as all children get a good amount of outdoor recess and outdoor gym time.  We ask that they have an indoor pair of running shoes, please check in with your children mid year to see these still fit. Young children will need to have a spare pair of underpants/pants/socks and a tee, as accidents can happen!  Dress for a typical Canadian day! 

If your child has any MEDICAL Conditions/Allergies that we need to be aware of, there are specific forms you will need to have signed and filled out.  IF you have Diabetes or Anaphylactic Allergies and require EPI Pens, we need to have your back up devices in the office right away with the forms filled out and signed for the required medical condition.  *We cannot help your child in need without the Medical Form and Device they require, so please do this right away and have them ready for the first week of school please if possible.  Forms can be found here if you can do them before school starts, please print the required one and send in with devices. The forms you will be looking for are in the high 900s, find the one you require.
*Please reach out to me directly to ask me for the specific form if you cannot find one or you would like a hard copy sent home, send me an email: [email protected] 

Please visit our school website often throughout the year.  We post and the school board posts important dates, information and our school activities here. Check the calendar often.  There will be updates for the next school year on the school website when something is scheduled.  See the calendar and dates.
You don't want to miss that Hot lunch registration date or Picture day etc.  https://alornecassidyes.ocdsb.ca/

We have two nutrition breaks in the day (kinders have more). We ask that you make sure your children have lots of options to eat and drink throughout the day as they will be busy burning many calories with all their exercise and fun.  Children often come to the office mid day without anything more in their lunches, so please make sure they are good and packed as needed.  Your children are growing and may need an extra at times. Please discuss this with them throughout the year.
Please have reusable water bottles and lunch bags labelled.  If you need labels, MABELS LABELS have a great selection.

Hot lunches will become available in the fall for all students, please watch for our Friday messages or our school website for details in late September.
If you are interested in getting involved as a school volunteer, reach out to our council!  sc-alornecassidyes@ocdsb.ca

**School Messenger is in effect,see below**
We have attendance procedures that we ask all parents to respect.  IF you have appointments, please try to book them at the start or end of the day, to avoid the disruption to our teachers and their classes.   Please Download the app onto your most used device.  SCHOOL MESSENGER
The School Messenger app is easy to use and you can enter as well at any time the night before or early on the day of, before 9:15am.  PLEASE make sure this is done before 9:15am so we know your child is safe.  The system will not allow you to enter late, but you can still respond to the message that comes to you afterwards.
Example:  "Sky Lake will be late or picked up early".
*****A. Lorne Cassidy has moved to an automated student absence system through School Messenger called Safe Arrival. Follow the links to sign up for all of your students in your family. In the meantime you can find information on the OCDSB website via these links: School Messenger New Safe Arrival System-Reporting An Absence

We will continue to communication if your child will be late/picked up early, change of end of day procedure for your child or on vacation, you can send an email to [email protected] and copy all of your teachers, 
****Please make note that if your child is late and you didn't send in a note or enter this, it can still send notifications to you, until we have entered it into our system.  Please be patient, if you still get notifications after 10:15, please call us at school to confirm.  613-831-3434

If your child is going to be on a bus, watch for news soon regarding your bussing  from OSTA www.ottawaschoolbus.ca they will send a generic email to tell you when the parent portal is open to view which bus your child/ren will be on. 
This should be coming very soon.  There will be bus stop information, times for pickup and drop off(be 10 mins early for each way for the first few weeks while drivers get familiar).  

**Reminder, your child's bus numbers can change from the previous year, you will need to continue to sign up for notifications for each new bus you have.
**You do not need to register your child for bussing, if you are eligible this will be done automatically.

On the first days of school your kinders will receive a color tag with their bus number and color on them so they know which bus to get on. We will assign these and post the colors on our school website once they are assigned.  There will be signs placed up on the school buses once we have them ready and drivers have placed them in their windows, these are great help for new bussers.  

Once your child has been assigned, then sign up for the notifications for each of your buses if you have more than one route number.  WE do not communicate when your bus is late or cancelled, this is parents responsibility to keep looking if you see your bus has not arrived.  There is an APP that you can download as well to check everyday and sign up for the notifications.

*****Kinders are NOT allowed to get off the bus without the assigned parents/caregiver registered on their school file. 
 IF there will be a different person greeting your children, you need to have a letter sent to OSTA and [email protected] to give permission for the siblings(10+)/caregiver/grandparent to be allowed to greet the child at the bus stop.  Failure to do this will result in your child being returned to the school late in the day.  Please inform [email protected] if you are adding a grandparent or someone other than the parent to a bus stop at end of day procedure.

If your child is in GRADES 3 and UNDER
 we must be informed both the office and teachers that your child will be picked up instead of taking the bus.  Children can be very confused at the end of the day if parents say they are picking them up and plans change or we don't know.  Information in advance saves a whole of big tears from children.  IF we do not hear from a parent in advance they will always be placed ON their bus.

Walkers (Children that do NOT take Bus):
IF your child is a "walker", you must drop your child off at the fence line of the school yard between 9am- 9:15am, not the front door and do not park in the school parking lots.  
Kinders are picked up at the KINDER yard at 3:30-3:40pm.  If running late, please try to meet at their kindergarten yard before the 9:15 bell.

IMPORTANT****Children under the age of 10 (grade 3 and under) cannot walk home by themselves and or take younger siblings home with them without written authorization and acceptance by the Principal.  
EX.  DO NOT make arrangements for your Grade 2 to take their kinder sibling home, they will not be dismissed.

We ask you to be on time for your children's day and have your children start their school day procedures with their peers.  Try  to avoid being late and changing routines.  Please have them on the bus or at the yard line to wish them well on time, quickly and promptly so they don't hesitate with long goodbyes.  We thrive to keep a routine for children so they stay focused and routined. This lowers disruption for them, behaviours of separation anxiety and confusion, routines promote a good start to the day.  We of course understand when appts and other issues can cause interruption, easiest is to try to arrange before or after school when possible.

We will have short staff in the office this year and hope that you understand when we ask for these supportive requests.  Routine is key to a good day and wish everyone a great year!

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at any time and I will be happy to respond asap.  Watch for information on our school website for updates at anytime you are not sure.  We have Friday Messages from Miss Trish that always have updated information that is coming up or going on in the school, please take time to read them so you do not miss out on the good stuff!  It's under "FRIDAY MESSAGE BY MISS TRISH".  

Cheers and enjoy the rest of your summer.
Tina 🐤
AKA:  Mrs. Walker :-)

2024-2025 Transportation List/Bus Routes

UPDATED BUSES WITH NEW COLORS, Please make sure your children KNOW which BUS and COLOR they are in this year. 

Routes to Colors are not the same as last year!

The routes have been changed dramatically.

V110am Red Cherry

V85pm Red Cherry 

     V118am Grey Dolphin

V112pm Grey Dolphin  

V27am Blue Whale
V22pm   Blue Whale

V65 am/pm Yellow Sun

V67 am/pm   Orange Pumpkin    
V108 am/pm Green Tree

C09 am/pm Purple Flower

C35 am/pm Brown Bear


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