Miss Trish's FRIDAY MESSAGES are here!

Miss Trish's Weekly MESSAGES are here!
Posted on 10/22/2024

Weekly messages will be posted below!

Friday, January 10th, 2025

Welcome to 2025! While coming back to school after the break can be a bit of a shock to the system (especially when the temperatures are bitter), seeing the smiles and hearing the stories of holiday adventures always makes it worth it!

EXPECTED AND UNEXPECTED BEHAVIOURS: At school we spend a lot of time speaking with children about choices they make. One of the changes we have made here at school is to refer to those choices as expected or unexpected behaviour/choices as opposed to good or bad behaviour/choices. This shift helps us support students in differentiating between the person and the choice or behaviour. Quite often students internalize the words we use and focus only on the good or bad part of what is being discussed. With this shift it helps us to reinforce with students that unexpected behaviours or choices do not impact whether they are good or bad people. It allows us to support building the skills to help them make more expected behaviours. We thought sharing this shift with families might help support conversations at home.

KINDER INFORMATION NIGHT: January 29th at 5:30. Please join us for an information session where we will be sharing details about the Kindergarten Program at ALC. This session is geared towards parents. We will host an open house for all incoming Kinders in June that will be more student focused.

If you are looking for details prior to January 29th, please visit the OCDSB website.

ILLNESS: This year we are seeing a significant increase in the number of students becoming very ill with a variety of viruses. Stomach bugs and respiratory infections seem to be spreading very quickly, and many students, staff and families are getting very sick.

We ask that if your child is sick, please keep them at home. 

  • Gastroenteritis (stomach bug, Norovirus): students and staff should remain home until 48 hours symptom free before returning to school. 
  • Influenza: students and staff should stay home until fever free AND feeling better.
  • Respiratory Virus: students and staff should remain home until 24 hours of symptom improvement AND fever free (without medication). 

We do understand that keeping your child home when they are sick is difficult, and some of these viruses are causing lengthier illnesses, but our priority is minimizing the spread of infections. We have several staff and students who are at high risk and immunocompromised, so we ask that everyone help in keeping everyone as healthy as possible. You can find more infectious disease guidelines from Ottawa Public Health here.

ELEMENTARY PROGRAM REVIEW: Over the past year, we have undertaken an Elementary Program Review to look at our elementary program delivery and consider how we can better support students today and in the future. During our consultations last spring, many of you shared your feedback and ideas on elementary programming. We also reviewed our internal district data and external relevant research.

Today, we are sharing a proposed new elementary program model featuring two pathways: Enhanced English and French Immersion. The model aims to improve program quality and accessibility, with a focus on community-based education, dynamic, bilingual teaching and learning environments and a continuum of inclusion.

Visit Engage OCDSB to learn more about the proposed program model. This page provides information about the program pathways, entry points, supports for students, school grade configurations, boundaries and more. It also shares answers to frequently asked questions and a timeline of our next steps.

In the coming weeks, we will launch a consultation to gather feedback about the proposed model, including an online survey starting in January and community meetings in March. Watch for more information on Engage OCDSB

A message from the Crossing Bridge Rink Coordinators:

Dear Community Members,

The Crossing Bridge Outdoor Rink on Hobin St. (in the A. Lorne Cassidy school yard) is in need of new volunteers to keep it running smoothly. The time commitment is minimal - a few hours of your time each winter can make a big difference. If you value this space and can lend a hand, we’d love your help! Please contact [email protected] to get involved.

In addition, we’re hosting a community meeting to discuss the future of our outdoor rink, gather your feedback, and sign up new volunteers. Anyone is welcome to attend.

  • When: Monday, January 27, 2025
  • Time: 7:00 PM
  • Where: Main Street Pub, 1408 Stittsville Main St.

This is your chance to share your thoughts, ask questions, and learn how you can get involved. The rink is a vital part of our community, and your input and support are crucial to its success.We hope to see you there!

Celebrations in Our Community

JANUARY 29- Lunar New Year is the beginning of a new year based on lunar calendars or, informally but more widely, lunisolar calendars. Lunar calendars follow the lunar phase while lunisolar calendars follow both the lunar phase and the time of the solar year. The event is celebrated by numerous cultures in various ways at diverse dates.

JANUARY 13-Boston Pizza





NOTE:  According to the OCDSB Policy Religious Holy Days, no major assessments or school events will be planned on these Holy Days.  DATES TO BE AVOIDED, DATES OF OBSERVATION


Attendance: if your child will be absent, please call the school at 613 831 3434 or email us at: [email protected]



Friday, December 13th, 2024

As promised, we have a week of fun spirit days planned for everyone next week! The ideas were generated by our Grade 6 Duck Leaders.


MONDAY: Minion Monday- Dress like a Minion or in yellow and blue

TUESDAY: Winter/Holiday Characters- Dress like any winter or holiday character

 WEDNESDAY: Be Seen and Be Noticed- Anything goes today! Mix your colours, wear them backwards, style it up! 

THURSDAY: Sparkle: Let’s get the celebration spirit going with some sparkles today!

FRIDAY: Comfy Cozy Day: Get ready to relax over the holiday break! 

FOOD BANK and TOY MOUNTAIN UPDATE: We would like to thank you all for your generous donations to the Stittsville Food Bank and Toy Mountain Ottawa. We have surpassed our goal of 2024 items! Altogether, we have collected 2167 items. We could not have done this without you! 

Team Ketchup takes first place with 653 items, Team Blueberry is second with 562 items. Team Green Bean takes 3rd with 485 items, and Team Mustard is fourth with 462 items. The class bringing in the most donations is EF5/6 with 270 items. 

A huge thank you to the grade 6s from EF5/6 and EF6A for all of their help collecting and counting items and organizing this great community event.

Thanks again to the ALC community!

Math@OCDSB Newsletter: This bi-monthly newsletter connects home with school by providing ideas and activities to support students from K-12.  MATH@OCDSB Newsletter 

Hanukkah (Dec. 25-January 2): The eight-day Jewish holiday of Hanukkah begins Dec. 18. A central part of the Jewish Festival of Lights entails the lighting of a nine-branched menorah each night. (The ninth candle is used to light the others.) The ritual symbolizes how one day’s worth of oil miraculously lasted for eight days during a battle between a small group of Jewish people and the powerful Greek-Syrian army in 165 B.C. Per Jewish tradition, they are said to have emerged victorious and reclaimed the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.

Christmas (Dec. 25): Christians celebrate Christmas largely to commemorate the birth of Jesus. But the festival has also been adopted as a secular family holiday by people of all faiths. It’s marked by an exchange of gifts as well as excitement for the arrival of Santa Claus

Kwanzaa (Dec. 26-Jan. 1):The week-long holiday of Kwanzaa honors African-American heritage; it’s a cultural holiday as opposed to a religious one. There are seven key principles for Kwanzaa: unity; self-determination; collective responsibility; cooperative economics; purpose; creativity; and faith. Its name comes from the Swahili phrase “matunda ya kwanza,” which translates to “first fruits.” Kwanzaa celebrations draw from African musical and storytelling traditions.


DECEMBER 17- BRIDGING THE GAP PRESENTATION- Inuit Games presented by Inuuqatigiit Center for Inuit Children, Youth and Families- GRADES 1 and 2


Friday, December 6th, 2024

And just like that the yard is full of snow! There was lots of laughter and collaboration on the yard as snowmen and forts were constructed! 

This week the staff held an “Underground Spirit Week”. Each day there was a different theme- by Tuesday we already had the students trying to guess what the theme was. By Thursday, they were on top of it and guessing on point pretty quickly! Don’t worry, our Grade 6 Leaders are sharing their ideas for a fun student Spirit Week for the last week before the Winter Break!

Spirit wear arrived and was sent home yesterday and today. If your child did not receive their order, please let Ms. Trish know.

On behalf of the library, thank you for supporting our Book Fair! We were so impressed with how well-behaved our students were at the book fair. They were respectful, patient, and polite during the numerous technical glitches. I am so grateful to our amazing parent volunteers who made our book fair a huge success! 

Our Junior Girls and Boys represented ALC at their respective Borden ball Tournaments this week. As always, our students showcased their sportsmanship and skills with pride! Thank you to Mme. Devine and Mr. Hare for coaching the teams this year!

ALC Week of Giving  DEC 9-13, 2024

ALC is once again collecting donations to help our local Food Bank, and also for Toy Mountain. This year, our grade 6 students from EF5/6 and EF6A have chosen a ‘theme week” to encourage our classmates to help bring in donations next week. We challenge all students to participate in any way you can to support the following activities. Of course, all donations are accepted on any day. These are just a fun way to encourage participation!

The students are hoping to collect a total of 2024 items as their goal to end off 2024! 

Let’s show our ALC support and help to make a difference in our community!

Monday, Dec 9th

FOOD BANK: Make a Meal Monday

What are the ingredients to your favourite meal? Send in some ingredients to make one of your favourite foods.

(i.e.: Pasta dinner: pasta, tomato sauce, spices, parmesan cheese, canned fruit for dessert…or pancake mix, fruit and real maple syrup for breakfast)

Tuesday, Dec 10th


Bring in a new, unwrapped toy to donate. More info can be found here, including ideas for toys: 


Wed, Dec 11th

FOOD BANK: Wellness Wednesday

Some suggestions include: 

- soap, dish soap, shampoo, toothpaste & toothbrushes, sanitary pads/tampons, deodorant, kleenex, toilet paper…

Thursday, Dec 12th

FOOD BANK: Thankful Thursday

We are THANKFUL for all the donations! Bring in ANY items of your choice.

(Baby food is always a great help as well for the little ones!)

Friday, Dec 13th

FOOD BANK: Fun Food Friday

Some suggestions include:

- healthy snacks you like to eat at school (granola bars, crackers, cookies, juice boxes, 

- cake or brownie mix, icing and sprinkles - or gingerbread houses or cookies with icing and candy to decorate - something fun to make on a weekend!

- Weekend treats: popcorn, pretzels, nacho chips...

The Hot Lunch Team is still looking for volunteers! Please email our Hot Lunch Coordinator at [email protected] if you are available on Wednesday mornings to help out.  Look for Term 2 lunch ordering to be available in the next couple of weeks, and be sure to get your orders in before the holiday break!

LITERACY CORNER: These sites offer some free online phonics games that children can play to practice their phonics skills. It is important to remember that practice requires feedback and correction and it is most useful when that feedback can happen right away. Taking the time to sit with your child while they play the games will help reinforce practice.






Bodhi Day (December 8th): Bodhi Day is celebrated on December 8th, and marks a significant occasion in the Buddhist tradition, also known as Rohatsu.

This spiritual event commemorates when Siddhartha Gautama, the historical Buddha, attained enlightenment beneath the Bodhi tree more than 2,500 years ago in Bodh Gaya, India.

Hanukkah (Dec. 18-26): The eight-day Jewish holiday of Hanukkah begins Dec. 18. A central part of the Jewish Festival of Lights entails the lighting of a nine-branched menorah each night. (The ninth candle is used to light the others.) The ritual symbolizes how one day’s worth of oil miraculously lasted for eight days during a battle between a small group of Jewish people and the powerful Greek-Syrian army in 165 B.C. Per Jewish tradition, they are said to have emerged victorious and reclaimed the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.

Christmas (Dec. 25): Christians celebrate Christmas largely to commemorate the birth of Jesus. But the festival has also been adopted as a secular family holiday by people of all faiths. It’s marked by an exchange of gifts as well as excitement for the arrival of Santa Claus

Kwanzaa (Dec. 26-Jan. 1):The week-long holiday of Kwanzaa honors African-American heritage; it’s a cultural holiday as opposed to a religious one. There are seven key principles for Kwanzaa: unity; self-determination; collective responsibility; cooperative economics; purpose; creativity; and faith. Its name comes from the Swahili phrase “matunda ya kwanza,” which translates to “first fruits.” Kwanzaa celebrations draw from African musical and storytelling traditions.




DECEMBER 17- BRIDGING THE GAP PRESENTATION- Inuit Games presented by Inuuqatigiit Center for Inuit Children, Youth and Families- GRADES 1 and 2




Thursday, December 5th, 2024

ALC Week of Giving  DEC 9-13, 2024

ALC is once again collecting donations to help our local Food Bank, and also for Toy Mountain. 

This year, our grade 6 students from EF5/6 and EF6A have chosen a ‘theme week” to encourage our students to help bring in donations next week. We challenge all students to participate in any way you can to support the following activities. Of course, all donations are accepted on any day. These are just a fun way to encourage participation!

The students are hoping to collect a total of 2024 items as their goal to end off 2024! 

Let’s show our ALC support and help to make a difference in our community!

Monday, Dec 9th

FOOD BANK: Make a Meal Monday

What are the ingredients to your favourite meal? Send in some ingredients to make one of your favourite foods.

(i.e.: Pasta dinner: pasta, tomato sauce, spices, parmesan cheese, canned fruit for dessert…or pancake mix, fruit and real maple syrup for breakfast)

Tuesday, Dec 10th


Bring in a new, unwrapped toy to donate. More info can be found here, including ideas for toys: 


Wed, Dec 11th

FOOD BANK: Wellness Wednesday

Some suggestions include: 

- soap, dish soap, shampoo, toothpaste & toothbrushes, sanitary pads/tampons, deodorant, kleenex, toilet paper…

Thursday, Dec 12th

FOOD BANK: Thankful Thursday

We are THANKFUL for all the donations! Bring in ANY items of your choice.

(Baby food is always a great help as well for the little ones!)

Friday, Dec 13th

FOOD BANK: Fun Food Friday

Some suggestions include:

- healthy snacks you like to eat at school (granola bars, crackers, cookies, juice boxes, 

- cake or brownie mix, icing and sprinkles - or gingerbread houses or cookies with icing and candy to decorate - something fun to make on a weekend!

- Weekend treats: popcorn, pretzels, nacho chips...


Some of the main non-perishable items that are needed include:

  • tomato sauce - tomato paste - pasta sauce - pasta

  • peas, corn… - chickpeas - beans - canned meat

  • chili - fruit - rice / quinoa - gluten free items

  • oil (olive, canola…) - ketchup,mustard - mayo - maple syrup

  • other protein sources (pea butter, peanut butter, lentils, oatmeal, protein bars...)

Friday, November 28th, 2024

And before we knew it we were in December! 

We have closed the play structure for the season as of today.

Just a reminder that there is no school for students tomorrow due to Parent/Educator interviews.

Purdy’s Chocolate Orders: Council is running a Holiday Fundraiser with Purdy’s Chocolates. It is a very tight turnaround, so if you would like to order, do not delay!

From now until December 3rd, you can order Purdys treats from our fundraiser by joining our campaign and browsing the tastiest selection of chocolates online. What you’ll need to order:

  1. Go to our fundraising website: https://fundraising.purdys.com/1497310-125083

  2. Enter your email address and Click “Join Campaign”

  3. Click “Shop Online” Click “Use Marketplace” to see what’s available! Place your order, pay online (make sure your payment has gone through).

  4. Orders will be ready for pick up on December 19th- just in time for the Winter Break!                         

Any questions please email [email protected] 

Happy chocolating and thank you for your ongoing support!

Family Literacy Night- December 4thSIGN UP FORM ALC staff is hosting a Family Literacy Drop In. The evening will be an opportunity to visit a variety of different stations where staff will model and support families as they play the games and engage in the activities. While the activities are geared towards students in K-3, all students are welcome to attend. This event is an opportunity for families to learn about and engage in literacy activities together. There will be a variety of different stations for families to go through together with some take home guides and materials to help you engage in literacy learning at home in fun ways that focus on connection and relationship building.

The Hot Lunch Team is still looking for volunteers! Please email our Hot Lunch Coordinator at [email protected] if you are available on Wednesday mornings to help out.  Look for Term 2 lunch ordering to be available in the next couple of weeks, and be sure to get your orders in before the holiday break!

LITERACY CORNER: This video is an overview of the correct way to make the individual letter sounds. Ensuring students are making the right sounds is an important part of learning to read. UFLI BLENDABLE SOUNDS

The December BUILDING THE BRIDGE resources have been added to the folder for parents to access. The link can always be found in the Information for Parents section at the end of the email each week.

Bodhi Day (December 8th): Bodhi Day is celebrated on December 8th, and marks a significant occasion in the Buddhist tradition, also known as Rohatsu. This spiritual event commemorates when Siddhartha Gautama, the historical Buddha, attained enlightenment beneath the Bodhi tree more than 2,500 years ago in Bodh Gaya, India.

Hanukkah (Dec. 18-26): The eight-day Jewish holiday of Hanukkah begins Dec. 18. A central part of the Jewish Festival of Lights entails the lighting of a nine-branched menorah each night. (The ninth candle is used to light the others.) The ritual symbolizes how one day’s worth of oil miraculously lasted for eight days during a battle between a small group of Jewish people and the powerful Greek-Syrian army in 165 B.C. Per Jewish tradition, they are said to have emerged victorious and reclaimed the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.

Christmas (Dec. 25): Christians celebrate Christmas largely to commemorate the birth of Jesus. But the festival has also been adopted as a secular family holiday by people of all faiths. It’s marked by an exchange of gifts as well as excitement for the arrival of Santa Claus

Kwanzaa (Dec. 26-Jan. 1):The week-long holiday of Kwanzaa honors African-American heritage; it’s a cultural holiday as opposed to a religious one. There are seven key principles for Kwanzaa: unity; self-determination; collective responsibility; cooperative economics; purpose; creativity; and faith. Its name comes from the Swahili phrase “matunda ya kwanza,” which translates to “first fruits.” Kwanzaa celebrations draw from African musical and storytelling traditions.







DECEMBER 17- BRIDGING THE GAP PRESENTATION- Inuit Games presented by Inuuqatigiit Center for Inuit Children, Youth and Families- GRADES 1 and 2

NOTE:  According to the OCDSB Policy Religious Holy Days, no major assessments or school events will be planned on these Holy Days.  DATES TO BE AVOIDED, DATES OF OBSERVATION

Friday, November 22nd, 2024

Just a reminder that the Lost and Found items have been sorted and will remain on display until Parent/Educator Interviews next week. At the end of November, we will pack the items up and donate them. Please take a moment to stop by and see if you recognize any items! 


As the winter weather approaches, it might be a good idea to take a few moments to practice putting on snow pants, hats and mitts and working those zippers with the younger learners. Having independence with this will help ease frustrations for them at school in the coming weeks when teachers are trying to help many students get bundled up before heading outside!


In line with the coming winter weather, once the ground freezes, the play structure will be closed until Spring. We will announce it to students when that decision is made, but it will most likely be in the next couple weeks as colder overnight temperatures are becoming more consistent.


We are still looking for volunteers for the Book Fair next week. If you are able to help out in any way, please send our Librarian (Mrs. Voelker) a quick email. [email protected] 


Family Literacy Night- December 4th- SIGN UP FORM ALC staff is hosting a Family Literacy Drop In. The evening will be an opportunity to visit a variety of different stations where staff will model and support families as they play the games and engage in the activities. While the activities are geared towards students in K-3, all students are welcome to attend. This event is an opportunity for families to learn about and engage in literacy activities together. There will be a variety of different stations for families to go through together with some take home guides and materials to help you engage in literacy learning at home in fun ways that focus on connection and relationship building.


School Council is happy to announce a new addition to our school lunch program!  Bar Burrito will be offering soft tacos and quesadillas on alternating Wednesdays after the holidays.  Please visit the location on Hazeldean Rd to see what your students would like!  In order for this to go ahead we need more volunteers!  Please email me at [email protected] if you are available on Wednesday mornings to help out.  Look for Term 2 lunch ordering to be available in the next couple of weeks, and be sure to get your orders in before the holiday break!


LITERACY CORNER: Looking for some story books that also welcome conversation about Phonemic and Phonological Awareness? Check out this list of picture books or this list you can snuggle up and read with… while building some phonemic awareness skills on the sly!


November is Transgender Awareness Month 

“Gender is an infinite universe. Every single person experiences gender differently… we all have our own unique place in the infinite gender universe”


November is recognized in Canada as Transgender Awareness Month. This month offers a chance to celebrate, uplift and learn about the experiences of Two Spirit, trans, and gender diverse identities. As well, the focus of related events and activities may shift as we progress, especially as we take the time to remember and honour the lives lost to anti-trans violence and discrimination. We encourage students and educators to choose resources and learning opportunities that represent all of these purposes; the joy and resilience of the Two Spirit, trans, and gender diverse community go hand-in-hand.


HOLOCAUST EDUCATION MONTH: This November, we recognize Holocaust Education Month, an important opportunity for our school community to deepen our understanding of the Holocaust and its enduring, universal lessons on hate, humanity, and empathy.









Friday, November 15th, 2024

Just another reminder to label your child’s clothes- especially jackets, hats and mitts. We are quickly accumulating quite the pile of coats, hats and mitts in our lost and found. If there is a label, we are able to return it to the student directly. Otherwise, it gets added to the lost and found. At the end of November we will pack all of the items up and donate them so we have room for future items left outside. You are welcome to come in and check out what has been collected. A parent volunteer has generously laid it all out on tables for easy access.

We are having our second Duck Family meeting on November 19th from 12:15-1:15. We really do want to include all staff in the gatherings, so please try to avoid pick up and drop offs between those times. If it is unavoidable, please send Ms. Trish an email and she will make sure your child is in the office and ready for pick up.

Progress reports will be coming home via email on Wednesday Nov 20. You will need your child’s OEN to access the report card. On Monday, students new to schools in Ontario and in Kindergarten will receive the OEN sent home on a piece of paper. Students who have been in an Ontario school for previous years, the OEN can be found on reports that have been sent home in the past. Remember, when you put in the OEN, you need to include the dashes. XXX-XXX-XXX

SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR: The Fair is Thursday November 28 from 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Students will have an opportunity to make a purchase during school hours on the 26th and the 28th. Volunteers are needed, please. Those interested can get in touch with Mrs. Voelker (Librarian) at [email protected]

School Council: Council will meet this week (for real) at 7:00 in the library.

Next Friday November 22nd, we have Amanda Fox from MASC visiting the Grade 4-6 students to perform and teach students a Powwow workout. Amanda will share the profound significance and historical context of the Jingle Dress in Indigenous culture. Following the captivating performance, Amanda will delve deeper into the world of powwows, regalia, and diverse powwow dances.  

Literacy Corner:

This site has a wide variety of language games you can play with your child to build their phonemic awareness skills.

This site shares several different online games students can play to build their phonemic awareness skills. Please keep in mind that ideally language development is happening between people, as oral language fluency is a key component of reading development.


November is Transgender Awareness Month 

“Gender is an infinite universe. Every single person experiences gender differently… we all have our own unique place in the infinite gender universe”


November is recognized in Canada as Transgender Awareness Month. This month offers a chance to celebrate, uplift and learn about the experiences of Two Spirit, trans, and gender diverse identities. As well, the focus of related events and activities may shift as we progress, especially as we take the time to remember and honour the lives lost to anti-trans violence and discrimination. We encourage students and educators to choose resources and learning opportunities that represent all of these purposes; the joy and resilience of the Two Spirit, trans, and gender diverse community go hand-in-hand.


HOLOCAUST EDUCATION MONTH: This November, we recognize Holocaust Education Month, an important opportunity for our school community to deepen our understanding of the Holocaust and its enduring, universal lessons on hate, humanity, and empathy.

Birth of Guru Nanak Dev Ji November 15th is Guru Nanak Jayanti – one of the most prominent Sikh festivals, which is observed as the birthday of the first of their gurus, Guru Nanak. Wishing a Happy Gurpurab to all those celebrating








Thursday, November 7th, 2024

On Monday we will be having our Remembrance Day Ceremony 10:15. We would like to invite all serving and retired members of the Armed Forces, Reserves, Coast Guard and Emergency Services to join us for the ceremony. We would also like to invite parents and guardians of students who are presenting at the ceremony. Unfortunately we do not have enough space to hold all of our students plus all families, so we do ask that you respect the request to only attend if your child’s class is presenting.

List of classes presenting: 

Kinders (all classes)

R1/2A (Mrs. Andersons class)

EF1A, 1B and 1/2A (Mme. Barry, Mme. Kearns, Mme. Viel)






Poppies: On Monday, students in Grades 4, 5 and 6 will be receiving a poppy. Students in K-3 will receive a poppy sticker. We ask that families consider sending in a small donation to the Poppy Fund, which goes to support the Legion, who supports Canadian Veterans. You can also donate directly online at: The Poppy Fund

Grade 6 T Shirt Design Contest: This year we are inviting our Grade 6 students to design their end of the year shirts! Teachers have shared the details with their classes, so ask your child about it!

ALC SPIRIT WEAR IS BACK! The ALC Spirit Wear Online Store is open once again!  The store is open as of today and will stay open until Nov. 14th.

OCDSB Speakers SeriesBullying: a New Approach to an Enduring Problem: As part of Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week, this session will help parents/caregivers and educators feel more empowered to address bullying and protect children. Counsellor, author, and speaker Dr. Deborah MacNamara will help you understand what drives bullying behaviour, know how to prevent attacks, and learn how to guide children through situations where bullies are involved.

Literacy Corner

This pdf is a compilation put together by the Durham District School Board that highlights a wide range of activities you can do with your child at home that build phonetic awareness skills. PHONOLOGICAL AWARENESS ACTIVITIES 

BUILDING THE BRIDGE: Each month Program Services puts out a document for each elementary grade level building the bridge between home and school. Teachers often send this home, but we have compiled all of the resources here in one spot for you to access. We will add this link to the bottom of the Friday Message for future reference.


November is Transgender Awareness Month : “Gender is an infinite universe. Every single person experiences gender differently… we all have our own unique place in the infinite gender universe”. November is recognized in Canada as Transgender Awareness Month. This month offers a chance to celebrate, uplift and learn about the experiences of Two Spirit, trans, and gender diverse identities. As well, the focus of related events and activities may shift as we progress, especially as we take the time to remember and honour the lives lost to anti-trans violence and discrimination. We encourage students and educators to choose resources and learning opportunities that represent all of these purposes; the joy and resilience of the Two Spirit, trans, and gender diverse community go hand-in-hand.

HOLOCAUST EDUCATION MONTH: This November, we recognize Holocaust Education Month, an important opportunity for our school community to deepen our understanding of the Holocaust and its enduring, universal lessons on hate, humanity, and empathy.







NOTE:  According to the OCDSB Policy Religious Holy Days, no major assessments or school events will be planned on these Holy Days.  DATES TO BE AVOIDED, DATES OF OBSERVATION

Monday, November 4th, 2024

Happy Monday everyone!

Just a couple of things I forgot to add to the Friday Message last week.

We know that the rollercoaster weather is making it really difficult to decide what to send your children to school in each day, but as it is getting consistently cooler, please do make sure they are at least dressing in layers. We saw a lot of chilly hands, legs and heads this morning. We are also trying to stay out even if it is raining lightly. Raincoats and boots are a good idea. If they don't want to wear those, an umbrella would be helpful.



ALC SPIRIT WEAR IS BACK! The ALC Spirit Wear Online Store is open once again!  The store is open as of today and will stay open until Nov. 14th.Orders will be delivered to the school. To select delivery to school, you need to proceed to the Shipping Method part of the checkout process.

Please note: The sizes of the youth clothing are actually over size. (Medium fits like a large). We measured against some Old Navy and Joe Fresh clothing for reference. This does not apply to the performance fit items. Those actually fit true to size.

Friday, Nov 1st, 2024

Well, Haunting season is over- and it was quite a week at ALC! 

A huge thank you to Council for a very successful family Halloween Night! It might have to become a tradition here!

Yesterday was a beautiful day, so we decided to do an impromptu Halloween Parade outside! It was so fun to see everyone walking together! 

Thank you to the parents who were able to join us for the Parent Literacy Information evening. One request that came from that night was the sharing of resources to support literacy at home. We will add some easy to access ideas that you can use with your children at home to continue building those foundational literacy skills in each Friday Message. We do encourage you to keep your eyes open for details on our Family Literacy Night coming up soon!

Rocks and Rings: Next week, our students in Grades 4-6 will be participating in the Rocks and Rings workshops. Rocks and Rings introduces students to the sport of curling, using equipment in the gym.

Remembrance Day: ALC will be holding our Remembrance Day Assembly on November 11 from 10-11:15. We ask that you do try to avoid pick up and drop off at this time on that day so that we can minimize disruptions to the assembly. 

Don’t forget next Friday is a PD Day. Staff will be engaging in more learning focused on Literacy Instruction and Mathematics instruction. You can review the agenda for the day here.

BUS LOOP REMINDER: Just a reminder that our bus loop is only for bus and van drop off/pick up. If you are dropping off students you are driving to school, please park in the community and walk them to the school yard. 

Literacy Corner:

Rhyme time

“I am thinking of an animal that rhymes with big. What’s the animal?” Answer: pig. What else rhymes with big? (dig, fig, wig)

Road trip rhymes

While you’re out driving in the car, spot something out the window and ask your child, “what rhymes with tree or car or shop?” Then switch roles and have your child spot something and ask you for a rhyme. This can turn into a game of nonsense rhymes (“What rhymes with tree stump?”) but that’s great for practicing sounds, too!

Word families

Word families are sets of words that rhyme. Start to build your family by giving your child the first word, for example, cat. Then ask your child to name all the “kids” in the cat family, such as: bat, fat, sat, rat, pat, mat, hat, flat. This will help your child hear patterns in words.

Silly tongue twisters

Sing songs and say silly tongue twisters. These help your child become sensitive to the sounds in words.

Tongue ticklers

Alliteration or “tongue ticklers” — where the sound you’re focusing on is repeated over and over again — can be a fun way to provide practice with a speech sound. Try these:

  • For M: Miss Mouse makes marvelous meatballs!

  • For S: Silly Sally sings songs about snakes and snails.

  • For F: Freddy finds fireflies with a flashlight.

Syllable shopping

While at the grocery store, have your child tell you the syllables in different food names. Have them hold up a finger for each word part. Eggplant = egg-plant, two syllables. Pineapple = pine-ap-ple, three syllables. Show your child the sign for each and ask her to say the word.

“I spy” first sounds

Practice beginning sounds with this simple “I spy” game at home, on a walk, or at the grocery store. Choose words with distinctive, easy-to-hear beginning sounds. For example, if you’re in the bathroom you can say, “I spy something red that starts with the “s” ssss sound (soap).” 

Sound scavenger hunt

Choose a letter sound, then have your child find things around your house that start with the same sound. “Can you find something in our house that starts with the letter “p” pppppp sound? Picture, pencil, pear”

November is Transgender Awareness Month : “Gender is an infinite universe. Every single person experiences gender differently… we all have our own unique place in the infinite gender universe”. This month offers a chance to celebrate, uplift and learn about the experiences of Two Spirit, trans, and gender diverse identities. 

HOLOCAUST EDUCATION MONTH: This November, we recognize Holocaust Education Month, an important opportunity for our school community to deepen our understanding of the Holocaust and its enduring, universal lessons on hate, humanity, and empathy.


 Ottawa Gaelic Football Youth Games Final session tomorrow. See the poster attached for more information.









NOTE:  According to the OCDSB Policy Religious Holy Days, no major assessments or school events will be planned on these Holy Days.  DATES TO BE AVOIDED, DATES OF OBSERVATION


With Halloween right around the corner, we wanted to send a quick reminder about costumes and treats.


Here are a few guidelines we ask families to follow when making decisions about costumes at school this week:

  • Simple costumes

  • no accessories, no masks, no fake blood. 

  • Makeup is OK, but remember the day is long and the makeup can get irritating on faces.

  • No change of clothes at school

An alternative to wearing a costume is to dress in orange and black and save your costume for Halloween Night. If students do not want to dress up at all, that is more than OK as well!

While we want students to be able to celebrate and enjoy Halloween, we also need to remind everyone that costumes must also be respectful. We ask that families take time to consider the potential impact a costume might have on others. Costumes that are built on the cultural and spiritual traditions and regalia can perpetuate stereotypes and cause harm to others. This video gives a very good explanation of the difference between CULTURAL APPRECIATION VS APPROPRIATION.

We also ask that families not send in treats to share with others. With so many allergies and food sensitivities, it is safest if we do not have students share treats.

Classes will be taking some time to discuss respectful costumes and the importance of being mindful of the costumes we choose to wear. 

Friday, October 25th, 2024

We are looking forward to seeing families tonight at our first Family Halloween Event. If you have not purchased your tickets, you can still buy them at the door when you arrive! Doors open at 6:00. Please remember that ALL students must be accompanied by an adult.

Gaelic Football: Next week, students in Grades 4-6 will be participating in Gaeilic Football workshops. Please ensure your child dresses for the weather!

ALC SPIRIT WEAR IS BACK! The ALC Spirit Wear Online Store is open once again!  The store is open as of today and will stay open until Nov. 14th.

Orders will be delivered to the school. To select delivery to school, you need to proceed to the Shipping Method part of the checkout process.

Please note: The sizes of the youth clothing are actually over size. (Medium fits like a large). We measured against some Old Navy and Joe Fresh clothing for reference. This does not apply to the performance fit items. Those actually fit true to size.

New App from OSTA! Ottawa Student Transportation Authority has launched a user-friendly progressive web application to provide real-time updates about your child’s transportation status. With this app, you’ll receive timely alerts and notifications directly to your device via push notifications. It’s easy to set up, it’s free, and notifications are instant. The app will replace emails when it comes to weather cancellation notifications only; emails will still be circulated for delays, cancellations and other alerts.

Visit www.ottawaschoolbus.ca to learn more. Questions and concerns can be directed to [email protected]

This initiative reflects our commitment to better serving our communities and improving the well- being of our students during transportation.

Parent Literacy Information Night at ALC: On October 30th from 6-7, we would like to invite any parents interested to join us in the library for a conversation about literacy and literacy instruction at ALC. There has been much change in the approach schools are taking to literacy over the past couple of years and we hope to help families understand why the changes came about and what we are doing at ALC to create instructional programs that effectively teach students to read. If you would like to join us, please RSVP by completing this Google Form so we can best prepare. Please note this is an adults only event. We will be hosting a family literacy night in November where students will be more than welcome to join.

MASC PRESENTATION: November 15th, we have Amanda Fox from MASC visiting the Grade 4-6 students to perform and teach students a Powwow workout. Amanda will share the profound significance and historical context of the Jingle Dress in Indigenous culture. Following the captivating performance, Amanda will delve deeper into the world of powwows, regalia, and diverse powwow dances. 

The OCDSB Speaker series is hosting a virtual session: Building Better Tech Habits. Parents and caregivers are invited to join us for a virtual session with Matthew Johnson, the director of education for MediaSmarts. In this session, you will learn how to create better habits around tech that will empower youth to be in control, rather than their apps and devices. More information can be found here.

Join us for the OCDSB Family Conference 2024 on Saturday, November 2, 2024, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at Woodroffe High School. Enjoy workshops, networking, and a keynote speech by Sam Demma. Register now: FamilyConference Registration.

Hope to see you there!

NOVEMBER 1- DIWALI: Diwali is the Hindu festival of lights, with variations celebrated in other Indian religions. It symbolizes the spiritual "victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance"








Friday, October 18th, 2024

With the weather changing, please ensure students are coming to school dressed for the temperatures and weather conditions. We do try to get students outside as much as possible, but to do that we need everyone to be dressed to stay warm and dry! Also a reminder to label all of their outerwear. Lots get left outside, and it is much easier to ensure items get returned to their rightful owners if they are labeled.

TRANSPORTATION: For those students who take the bus, we do encourage families to check the OSTA website for daily updates on delays and cancellations.

Parent Literacy Information Night: On October 30th from 6-7, we would like to invite any parents interested to join us in the library for a conversation about literacy and literacy instruction at ALC. There has been much change in the approach schools are taking to literacy over the past couple of years and we hope to help families understand why the changes came about and what we are doing at ALC to create instructional programs that effectively teach students to read. If you would like to join us, please RSVP by completing this Google Form so we can best prepare. Please note this is an adults only event. We will be hosting a family literacy night in November where students will be more than welcome to join.

FAMILY HALLOWEEN NIGHT: Get ready for ALC’s first Halloween dance!! It is scheduled for Friday, Oct 25, 6-8 pm. Admission is $10/student. Adults are free. You can purchase tickets using School Cash Online or at the door.


Enjoy the dance, a spooky hallway or two, a spooky movie, and some baked goods! Wear your costume (no masks or weapons) and get into the Halloween spirit! If you’re in a need of a costume, not to worry; we’ll be selling some gently used costumes for $5 in the library! 😊

This is a fundraiser event for our school’s play structure! Unfortunately, our trusty playmate is showing its age, and we’re going to have to be forced to replace it, and soon. The school’s budget, nor the board’s cover the cost of play structure replacement, so we require the help of our amazing ALC community to raise the funds to make this a reality. 

WE NEED VOLUNTEERS! : This event can’t happen without the help of volunteers, and we’re going to need all the help we can get! Please pitch in to help us create a memorable experience that will not only benefit our school, but also bring our community closer together. We are also happy to have high school students looking for volunteer hours to join us that evening!

BONUS: Volunteers can enjoy free admission to the event!  Simply email complete the Google Form to sign up to volunteer>


OCTOBER 22- Cross Country Meet (Grades 4-6)




NOVEMBER 1- DIWALI: Diwali is the Hindu festival of lights, with variations celebrated in other Indian religions. It symbolizes the spiritual "victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance"







Friday, October 11th, 2024

As we head into the long weekend, we would like to thank you for your partnership and support as we work together to build a learning community where our students feel safe, welcome and seen each day. 

We have successfully completed all of our Fall fire drills. Students did a fantastic job of managing all of the fire drills!

This week our Junior Girls and Boys soccer teams showcased their skills at their respective tournaments. The girls came in first in their tournament and the boys placed 3rd. Very impressive results, but what is more commendable is the way in which they all represented our school. Thank you to the coaches and parent volunteers!

Photo Retakes: photo retakes and class photos will be taking place next week on Wednesday October 16. Please note the date, as initially it was listed as October 15! All students will be in the class photos, but if you would like your child to receive a retake of their individual photo, please let their homeroom teacher know by Tuesday so we can create a schedule for the day.

Parent Literacy Information Night: On October 30th from 6-7, we would like to invite any parents interested to join us in the library for a conversation about literacy and literacy instruction at ALC. There has been much change in the approach schools are taking to literacy over the past couple of years and we hope to help families understand why the changes came about and what we are doing at ALC to create instructional programs that effectively teach students to read. If you would like to join us, please RSVP by completing this Google Form so we can best prepare. Please note this is an adults only event. We will be hosting a family literacy night in November where students will be more than welcome to join.

HALLOWEEN DANCE: Get ready for ALC’s first Halloween dance!! It is scheduled for Friday, Oct 25, 6-8 pm. Admission is $10/student. Adults are free. PLEASE NOTE: ALL STUDENTS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN ADULT. THIS INCLUDES OLDER STUDENTS.

Enjoy the dance, a spooky hallway or two, a spooky movie, and some baked goods! Wear your costume (no masks or weapons) and get into the Halloween spirit! If you’re in a need of a costume, not to worry; we’ll be selling some gently used costumes for $5 in the library! 😊

This is a fundraiser event for our school’s play structure! Unfortunately, our trusty playmate is showing its age, and we’re going to have to be forced to replace it, and soon. The school’s budget, nor the board’s cover the cost of play structure replacement, so we require the help of our amazing ALC community to raise the funds to make this a reality. 

WE NEED VOLUNTEERS! This event can’t happen without the help of volunteers, and we’re going to need all the help we can get! Please pitch in to help us create a memorable experience that will not only benefit our school, but also bring our community closer together. We are also happy to have high school students looking for volunteer hours to join us that evening!

BONUS: Volunteers can enjoy free admission to the event!  Simply email [email protected].

DONATIONS: We are looking for any Halloween decorations you are no longer using and costumes! Please drop off any donations at the school by Oct 18th. 

OCTOBER 14- THANKSGIVING: Thanksgiving Day in Canada has been a holiday on the second Monday of October since 1957. It is a chance for people to give thanks for a good harvest and other fortunes in the past year.

NOVEMBER 1- DIWALI: Diwali is the Hindu festival of lights, with variations celebrated in other Indian religions. It symbolizes the spiritual "victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance"








Friday, October 4th, 2024

The first week of October has been a great one! Our Terry Fox Run was a huge success and culminated with a school wide Challenge! We created a conga line with all of the students in Grades 1-6! It was quite the line working its way across the field! A huge thank you to Mme. Evans for all of her work putting this event together!

Some of you might have seen the new mural that has been installed in our rotunda. Last year, we had all of our students in Grades 6, 7, and 8 work on a Legacy Wall with muralist Claudia Salguero. Claudia took the ideas the students shared about what it meant for them to be a part of the ALC community and created this mural. Then, each of the students spent time with her working on the mural. This is the final result and it looks amazing in our rotunda!

SAVE THE DATE: Get ready for ALC’s first Halloween dance!! It is scheduled for Friday, Oct 25, 6-8 pm.  

Enjoy the dance, a spooky hallway or two, a spooky movie, and some baked goods! Wear your costume (no masks or weapons) and get into the Halloween spirit! If you’re in a need of a costume, not to worry; we’ll be selling some gently used costumes for $5 in the library! 😊

This is a fundraiser event for our school’s playstructure! Unfortunately, our trusty playmate is showing its age, and we’re going to have to be forced to replace it, and soon. The school’s budget, nor the board’s cover the cost of play structure replacement, so we require the help of our amazing ALC community to raise the funds to make this a reality. 

WE NEED VOLUNTEERS! :This event can’t happen without the help of volunteers, and we’re going to need all the help we can get! Please pitch in to help us create a memorable experience that will not only benefit our school, but also bring our community closer together. We are also happy to have high school students looking for volunteer hours to join us that evening!

BONUS: Volunteers can enjoy free admission to the event!  Simply email [email protected].

DONATIONS: We are looking for any Halloween decorations you are no longer using and costumes! Please drop off any donations at the school by Oct 18th. 

SOCCER: This week our Jr. Girls and Boys soccer teams will be heading to Carp to play in their respective tournaments! We wish them luck!

HOT LUNCHES: Hot lunches start next week! Please be sure to check the ALC Calendar on the website for specific details of which lunches are on which days.

OCTOBER 11- YOM KIPPUR: yom Kippur (Hebrew: יוֹם כִּפּוּר or יום הכיפורים), Also known as Day of Atonement, is the holiest day of the year for the Jews. Its central themes are atonement and repentance. Jews traditionally observe this holy day with a 25-hour period of fasting and intensive prayer, often spending most of the day in synagogue services. 

OCTOBER 14- THANKSGIVING: Thanksgiving Day in Canada has been a holiday on the second Monday of October since 1957. It is a chance for people to give thanks for a good harvest and other fortunes in the past year.

NOVEMBER 1- DIWALI: Diwali is the Hindu festival of lights, with variations celebrated in other Indian religions. It symbolises the spiritual "victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance"






NOTE:  According to the OCDSB Policy Religious Holy Days, no major assessments or school events will be planned on these Holy Days.  DATES TO BE AVOIDED, DATES OF OBSERVATION

Friday, September 27, 2024

Happy Faux Friday! While the rains came this week, Mother Nature showed some grace and we avoided indoor recesses! Big win for everyone! She did lead us astray with predictions of rain which led us to move our Terry Fox Run to next week, so fingers crossed the forecast for Thursday holds!

Thank you to all who were able to attend our Meet the Educator Night last night! The halls were busy for our first family event, which was wonderful! To top it off Mr. Perry was able to get his Guiness Record!

Just a reminder that tomorrow is a PD Day. Staff will be engaging in learning to support Literacy and Math instruction through the day. The agenda can be found here. AGENDA 

On Monday, all schools in the OCDSB will be recognizing the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation. Over this past week, students have been further developing their understanding of the important work we have to do in our country to honour the truth of our history and continue the work towards reconciliation. On Monday, we encourage students to wear orange. If students do not have something orange to wear, please do not worry! We will have ribbons for them to pin on!

The rescheduled date for our ALC Terry Fox Run is Thursday, October 3 from 12:30-1:30 pm.  ALC families are welcome to join us to continue in Terry Fox's footsteps 44 years later. 

There is still lots of time to visit our school's fundraising website!

The slogan for this year's Terry Fox t-shirt is, No Matter What.  This message represents his determination to raise money for cancer research no matter the odds, no matter the distance and no matter the challenges. Students are invited to set a NO MATTER WHAT goal and share it on our poster board in the rotunda.  Looking forward to seeing you next Thursday.

October is Islamic Heritage Month in Canada. For generations, Muslims have been contributing to all aspects of Canada's prosperity and diverse heritage. Islamic History Month Canada has selected the theme of “Health & Healing” for this year’s recognition and celebration Islamic heritage. In connection to this theme, this month offers us a unique opportunity to explore and celebrate the profound contributions that Muslim scholars and scientists have made to the field of medicine, which continue to impact our lives today (IHMC).  Islamic history and culture encompasses a broad range of individual and collective experiences, as well as important contributions to literature, math, science, art and history both locally and around the world.

HOT LUNCHES ARE BACK! The ALC lunch program is ready to take orders!  Please help support school council's biggest fundraiser.  All money raised goes back directly to supporting students.  Plus there are some days that you don't have to make a lunch!  

Register an account at alc.hotlunches.net.  A reminder that you must register again at the start of every school year.  The access code is ALCHL.  Once logged in then add your student to their HOMEROOM class.  After that you are able to place orders.  For new families please note that the menu items are linked together. ie,  What you choose for Jojo's Pizza remains the same order for the entire term.  Orders must be placed and paid for on the site by Oct 1st.  Please take the time to read all of the information on the log in page and on the landing page - all of the policies related to the lunch program are listed there, as well as all the menu details.

Last (but not least) - I NEED VOLUNTEERS!  This program is run 100% by volunteers which is a great way to get involved in the school.  I will assign people into lunch teams so the commitment is about once every 2 weeks.  From 10:30am to around 12:00pm on your assigned lunch day.  Please send me an email at [email protected] with your availability if you would like to help out.  I'm also happy to answer any questions about the program. ~Lea

SEPTEMBER 30- NATIONAL DAY OF TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION: The day honours the children who never returned home and Survivors of residential schools, as well as their families and communities. Public commemoration of the tragic and painful history and ongoing impacts of residential schools is a vital component of the reconciliation process.

OCTOBER 3- ROSH HASHANA: Rosh Hashanah (Hebrew: ראש השנה), (literally “head of the year”), is the Jewish New Year. It is the first of the High Holidays or Yamim Noraim (“Days of Awe”), celebrated ten days before Yom Kippur. 

OCTOBER 11- YOM KIPPUR: yom Kippur (Hebrew: יוֹם כִּפּוּר or יום הכיפורים), Also known as Day of Atonement, is the holiest day of the year for the Jews. Its central themes are atonement and repentance. Jews traditionally observe this holy day with a 25-hour period of fasting and intensive prayer, often spending most of the day in synagogue services. 

NOVEMBER 1- DIWALI: Diwali is the Hindu festival of lights, with variations celebrated in other Indian religions. It symbolises the spiritual "victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance"





Friday, September, 20th, 2024 

Creating a sense of community is a very important part of the work we do. Creating a learning space where students and staff feel connected and valued is essential for academic achievement. One of the tools some teachers are using is “The First Five”. This resource offers a daily assortment of activities and prompts teachers can use within the first 5 minutes of the day to connect with students and get a sense of how they are feeling and what they might need to have a successful day at school. 

In this weeks message:

  • Meet the Educator

  • Hot lunches

  • Cross Country

  • Mabels Labels

  • Morning Drop Off reminder

  • Terry Fox Run

MEET THE EDUCATORS: Next Wednesday evening (Sept 25), we invite families to come to the school to meet your child’s teacher. Classrooms will be open from 4:30-5:30. Your children can show you around and introduce you to their teacher(s). Please remember that teachers are still getting to know their students, and this is not a formal interview time. There has not been enough time for teachers to be able to share progress on achievement at this time. Formal interviews will be set up following the Progress Reports going home in November.

Guinness World Record Attempt Back On!  Mr Perry will once again be attempting the world record of fastest to change four tires on a vehicle by an individual on September 25 at the Meet the Teacher event.  We will be doing the attempt in the playground near the main play structure at 530 and 545pm. This time, we will be hoping for cooperative weather.  Hope to see everyone out there after they've had the opportunity to visit inside with their teachers!  If you're interested in being a videographer for this event, reach out to [email protected]

HOT LUNCHES ARE BACK! The ALC lunch program is ready to take orders!  Please help support school council's biggest fundraiser.  All money raised goes back directly to supporting students.  Plus there are some days that you don't have to make a lunch!  

Register an account at alc.hotlunches.net.  A reminder that you must register again at the start of every school year.  The access code is ALCHL.  Once logged in then add your student to their HOMEROOM class.  After that you are able to place orders.  For new families please note that the menu items are linked together. ie,  What you choose for Jojo's Pizza remains the same order for the entire term.  Orders must be placed and paid for on the site by Oct 1st.  Please take the time to read all of the information on the log in page and on the landing page - all of the policies related to the lunch program are listed there, as well as all the menu details.

Last (but not least) - I NEED VOLUNTEERS!  This program is run 100% by volunteers which is a great way to get involved in the school.  I will assign people into lunch teams so the commitment is about once every 2 weeks.  From 10:30am to around 12:00pm on your assigned lunch day.  Please send me an email at [email protected] with your availability if you would like to help out.  I'm also happy to answer any questions about the program. Lea (Hot Lunch Coordinator)

CROSS COUNTRY IS STARTING: Mme. Devine and a team of staff are getting Cross Country up and running! If you child is interested in participating, encourage them to listen to the announcement about the first meeting next week!

LABELS: While it might still feel like the middle of summer out there, inevitably Fall is on it’s way, which means jackets, mitts and hats will also be coming to school- and often left behind. Labeling your child’s clothes is the best way to ensure things get returned to the right student! Consider supporting our school by shopping at Mabel's Labels: mabelslabels.ca. Click "Support a Fundraiser"and enter "ALC Parent Council (Stittsville)" to contribute to great School Council initiatives such as additional library resources and our new play structure. 

Morning Drop Off: Just a reminder that the bus loop is for OSTA buses and vans only. 

A. Lorne Cassidy Elementary School is getting ready for the 2024 Terry Fox School Run! Our run date is Thursday, September 26.  We’re super excited to take part in this annual tradition that supports cancer research while building school spirit. Please support our student’s fundraising efforts and donate today at: https://schools.terryfox.ca/ALorneCassidyESStittsville #terryfoxschoolrun #nomatterwhat @theterryfoxfoundation

SEPTEMBER 30- NATIONAL DAY OF TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION: The day honours the children who never returned home and Survivors of residential schools, as well as their families and communities. Public commemoration of the tragic and painful history and ongoing impacts of residential schools is a vital component of the reconciliation process.

OCTOBER 3- ROSH HASHANA: Rosh Hashanah (Hebrew: ראש השנה), (literally “head of the year”), is the Jewish New Year. It is the first of the High Holidays or Yamim Noraim (“Days of Awe”), celebrated ten days before Yom Kippur. 

OCTOBER 11- YOM KIPPUR: yom Kippur (Hebrew: יוֹם כִּפּוּר or יום הכיפורים), Also known as Day of Atonement, is the holiest day of the year for the Jews. Its central themes are atonement and repentance. Jews traditionally observe this holy day with a 25-hour period of fasting and intensive prayer, often spending most of the day in synagogue services. 

NOVEMBER 1- DIWALI: Diwali is the Hindu festival of lights, with variations celebrated in other Indian religions. It symbolises the spiritual "victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance"






NOTE:  According to the OCDSB Policy Religious Holy Days, no major assessments or school events will be planned on these Holy Days.  DATES TO BE AVOIDED, DATES OF OBSERVATION


Attendance: if your child will be absent, please call the school at 613 831 3434 or email us at: [email protected]


Arrival and Dismissal information can be found here.

Here is a list of questions to support conversations with your child.

Mental Health supports

Monday, September 16th.2024

Good morning ALC Families,

I wanted to inform you that, last Friday, the Ottawa Police arrested a man suspected of approaching young children in the Stittsville area. 

I would like to reassure you that this isn’t related to our school or our students but as a precaution, I felt it was appropriate to provide you with some safety tips to help you speak to your child and prepare them in the event of any difficult encounters. 

The Ottawa Police recommends parents frequently review tips for children with respect to safety rules. Parents should teach their children what to do when approached by a stranger. Where possible, avoid walking alone. However, the following tips are offered to students walking alone:

  • Ensure a family member or caregiver knows your route and arrival time;

  • Do not talk to strangers;

  • Do not accept rides from strangers;

  • If an unknown adult is seeking your attention, do not approach them or the vehicle;

  • If being followed, go to a public place, a known residence or shout for help.

  • Report concerns to a caring adult as soon as possible

Please note, should your child ever have any difficult or confusing encounters while walking to or from school, do remind them that they are encouraged to contact the school administration, a teacher, another trusted adult at school or the police in case of emergency.

We have compiled some tips provided by our partners, should you wish to read more safety and streetproofing information. (The tips are also given below.)


Friday, September 13th, 2024

Another fantastic week at ALC! Our Grade 6 Leadership Team has started announcements and next week they will be implementing Recess Games at first recesses. This group has really helped us with a positive start to our year and we are so excited to see their skills grow through the year!

We had our first of 3 Fall fire drills yesterday. All of our students did a great job moving through the school and on the field in a quiet and orderly fashion. We will try to get the other 2 drills completed while the nice weather holds over the next couple of weeks!

Laminator Help Wanted: Did you ever have a desire to use the laminator? Well, here is your chance. Mr. Hare ([email protected]) is our laminator guru and last year he put together a team of volunteers to help teachers get their laminating done. If you are able to help out, please send him an email and he will fill you in on the details! Thanks for considering!

A. Lorne Cassidy Elementary School is getting ready for the 2024 Terry Fox School Run! Our run date is Thursday, September 26.  We’re super excited to take part in this annual tradition that supports cancer research while building school spirit. Please support our student’s fundraising efforts and donate today at: https://schools.terryfox.ca/ALorneCassidyESStittsville #terryfoxschoolrun #nomatterwhat @theterryfoxfoundation

Walk A Block: Did you know that walking all or part way to school helps create safer school zones by reducing vehicle congestion? If you live too far away from school to walk the whole way, consider parking 5 to 10 minutes away from the school and walking the rest of the way. Take this small step to help make school zones safer for everyone! Download your Walk-a-Block map today!

For more information about OSTA's #GetYourWalkOn programs and resources please visit OSTA’s website!

Student Accident Insurance: Creating a caring and safe environment for our students is our top priority. Unfortunately, despite all reasonable precautions being taken, accidents can still happen. Some injuries may result in medical, dental or other expenses that are not covered by provincial health care or employer group plans and caregivers become responsible for these expenses.

The OCDSB does not provide student accident insurance. Caregivers are encouraged to consider purchasing accident insurance or student accident insurance for incidents that may not be covered by the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) or any additional medical plans they have. 

Student accident insurance is available for purchase on a voluntary basis. Caregivers may apply online at insuremykids.com or call 1-800-463-5437. The accident insurance coverage options range from $17.00/year to $33.00/year. All plans provide 24/7 coverage and a variety of important accident benefits (benefit limits differ based on plan selected). If you have any questions, please call Jones DesLauriers Ottawa (formerly Binks Insurance Brokers) directly at 613-226-1350.


Eco West Enders Kids Clothing Swap: Help us support a circular economy by sharing your child's outgrown clothing (newborn to size 16) with your neighbours while shopping for what you need next.  1 donation = 1 received item - no restrictions, no cost!  All items above donation will be $1.

Donation Days Only (no items accepted day of event) - Thursday, September 26th and Friday, September 27th - 6pm to 9pm

Location: St. Andrews Church

2 Milkin Street 

Donors are welcome to also bring one item in need of repair for donation to the swap.  Ask questions of our sewers and start to learn a new skill and help support repair over new!  

Thanks so much for your support! 

POWLEY DAY: Métis communities celebrate Powley Day each year on September 19th, marking the anniversary of the landmark Métis rights victory at the Supreme Court of Canada. Powley Day commemorates the most important Métis Rights recognition since the days of Louis Riel. The OCDSB has more information about this date of significance on their website.

SEPTEMBER 30- NATIONAL DAY OF TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION: The day honours the children who never returned home and Survivors of residential schools, as well as their families and communities. Public commemoration of the tragic and painful history and ongoing impacts of residential schools is a vital component of the reconciliation process.

OCTOBER 3- ROSH HASHANA: Rosh Hashanah (Hebrew: ראש השנה), (literally “head of the year”), is the Jewish New Year. It is the first of the High Holidays or Yamim Noraim (“Days of Awe”), celebrated ten days before Yom Kippur. 

OCTOBER 11- YOM KIPPUR: yom Kippur (Hebrew: יוֹם כִּפּוּר or יום הכיפורים), Also known as Day of Atonement, is the holiest day of the year for the Jews. Its central themes are atonement and repentance. Jews traditionally observe this holy day with a 25-hour period of fasting and intensive prayer, often spending most of the day in synagogue services. 

NOVEMBER 1- DIWALI: Diwali is the Hindu festival of lights, with variations celebrated in other Indian religions. It symbolises the spiritual "victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance"






Friday, Sept 6th, 2024

We have had a fantastic first week at ALC, and we hope your children are beginning to get back into familiar routines.

Lots of information in this weeks message:

  • 4 Square Problem Solving

  • Duck Families

  • Late Arrival, Early Pick Up and Absences

  • Voluntary Student Fees, Media Release and Appropriate Use of Technology

  • Mental Health Supports

  • School Council

  • Meet the Teacher

  • School Photos

This year we are once again using our 4 Square Problem Solving Chart to help us navigate social interactions. We reviewed this with all students in Grades 1-6 at our First Day Assembly. We reminded students that we are here to help them navigate any situations that might arise. The key is to be able to intervene and support as early as possible. If your child is struggling with peer interactions, please do not hesitate to reach out to their homeroom teacher for support. 

We will once again be starting up our Duck Families. This year we are focusing on creating a community that is kind and inclusive. At our first assembly we watched a video about a high school student who started a club called We Dine Together that is now in over 2000 school districts in the US. One student who realized the importance of ensuring everyone feels seen and included in their school community. We know we have a school full of kind and empathetic students. We want to inspire them to stand in that kindness and work to make sure everyone feels included. 

Late arrivals and Early Pick Ups: We know that often students might be arriving late or need to leave early. If you are dropping them off late, you can bring them to the front door. When you buzz in our office team will ask for their name and buzz them in. We will get the littler ones to their classes and our older students are able to make their way to class. 

For early pickups, we do ask that you try to avoid pickup between 3:30 and 3:45. The office gets very busy and it can be difficult to find students at this transition time.

Regardless if it is a late arrival or early pick up, or an absence, it really is helpful for us in the office if you can give us a heads up. You can call 613 831 3434, email: [email protected] or use the School Messenger App to enter your child’s absence. This helps us in the office, but it also allows us to support by having your child in the office ready for pick up when you arrive.

VOLUNTARY STUDENT FEES: Historically, ALC has not collected voluntary student fees, but with the changes in funding, we are asking families to consider sending in the $20 voluntary fee to help us continue to provide learning experiences that we have covered in the past. This includes presentations, supporting with buses for field trips, and class workshops. You can access School Cash Online here. Sending in cash or cheques is also an option if you prefer. 

ACCEPTABLE USE OF TECHNOLOGY: In order to access and use technology at school, students will need to have a completed Appropriate Use of Technology form on file. That form can be found here.

MEDIA RELEASE: All students will need to have a completed Media Release form on file. That form can be found here.

Maintaining our Mental Health should be a priority for everyone. Back to school can often bring on many emotions. The OCDSB Mental Health Team has developed some strategies and tools that might help with some of the Back to School emotions.  We are here to support our students with their mental health in many ways. Please do not hesitate to reach out to your child’s classroom teacher or Ms. Trish and Ms. Doxsee if your child is struggling. The OCDSB also has a webpage that has a variety of community resources that might also be helpful.

School Council: Our ALC School Council will be having their first meeting on September 18th, 2024 at 7:00 in the library. We invite all parents and guardians who would like to join us! We do have some Council Executive positions open that will be voted on at our first meeting. We will send some more information about that closer to the meeting date.

Meet the Teacher: Our Meet the Teacher evening is coming up on September 25 from 4:45-6:15. We invite all families to join us to meet your child’s teachers and learn about their classroom for this year!

School Photos: Students will be having their school photos taken on Tuesday September 17th. 


SEPTEMBER 30- NATIONAL DAY OF TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION: The day honours the children who never returned home and Survivors of residential schools, as well as their families and communities. Public commemoration of the tragic and painful history and ongoing impacts of residential schools is a vital component of the reconciliation process.

OCTOBER 3- ROSH HASHANA: Rosh Hashanah (Hebrew: ראש השנה), (literally “head of the year”), is the Jewish New Year. It is the first of the High Holidays or Yamim Noraim (“Days of Awe”), celebrated ten days before Yom Kippur. 

OCTOBER 11- YOM KIPPUR: yom Kippur (Hebrew: יוֹם כִּפּוּר or יום הכיפורים), Also known as Day of Atonement, is the holiest day of the year for the Jews. Its central themes are atonement and repentance. Jews traditionally observe this holy day with a 25-hour period of fasting and intensive prayer, often spending most of the day in synagogue services. 

NOVEMBER 1- DIWALI: Diwali is the Hindu festival of lights, with variations celebrated in other Indian religions. It symbolises the spiritual "victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance"





NOTE:  According to the OCDSB Policy Religious Holy Days, no major assessments or school events will be planned on these Holy Days.  DATES TO BE AVOIDED, DATES OF OBSERVATION


Attendance: if your child will be absent, please call the school at 613 831 3434 or email us at: [email protected]


Arrival and Dismissal information can be found here.

Here is a list of questions to support conversations with your child.

Mental Health supports


Tuesday, Sept 3rd, 2024

Well, day 1 is in the books! We hope everyone had a great first day back! There really is nothing like the first day of school each year. The energy and excitement is always contagious, and seeing familiar smiles is always amazing, while meeting new students is exciting! We know getting back into the routines often takes time, and you will likely have some sleepy children at the dinner table tonight. 

It is often difficult to learn about what your child did at school each day. Asking them that question often leads to one word answers. Here is a list of questions that you can ask that might help spur more conversations about their day. 

Tomorrow morning, we ask parents to start with our usual arrival procedures. students will line up at their doors. There will be chairs set out like there were today at recess times, so they will be able to find their lines. Arrival and Dismissal information can be found here.

On Friday we will send our first Friday Message. We send the weekly update on the last afternoon of the week. It can also be found on the school website each Monday morning as well. 

As always, please do not hesitate to reach out if there is anything we can do to support your child at school!

Tuesday, August 27th, 2024

Welcome back to school! We are excited to be having everyone back and can’t wait to see the faces of our students!

This message contains a lot of information to help prepare families for the first day of school. 

ARRIVAL AND DISMISSAL:  When students in Grades 1-6 arrive on Tuesday, September 3, there will be signs with class/teacher names on the field. Students are asked to line up behind the sign for their class. If your child forgets their class number OR teacher, not to worry. There will be lots of staff and our Grade 6 ambassadors outside to support. On Tuesday morning, adults are welcome to come onto the field to help students find their line. Kinder students can be dropped off at the Kinder Yard. The Kinder Team will be outside as of 9:00 to begin greeting students.

Our arrival and dismissal procedures will remain the same as in previous years (students are dropped off at the fence on Hobin (Grades 1-6), and Kinder students can be dropped off and picked up at the Kinder Yard.  Please take a look at this attached document for more details.Please see this attached document for specific details on dismissal. We do ask that parents not gather around the bus loop. Bus arrivals and departures are a busy time, and keeping that area clear helps us to ensure students are safe.

PLEASE NOTE: Students are not to be dropped off or picked up at the front door at arrival and dismissal times. We also ask that parents picking up their children not park in the school parking lot at drop off and pick up times.

If you are picking your child up early, we ask you to please let the office know beforehand so we can arrange to have your child at the office when you arrive. We also ask that if you are picking up early, please try to arrange for that to happen prior to 3:15. The office gets very busy at the end of the day, and pick ups close to dismissal are difficult to navigate.


  • We have 2 nutrition breaks, so your child needs lunch and snacks to get them through the day. Please keep in mind that over the next few days, they will likely be running and playing more with their friends, and they might find themselves a little hungrier than you might expect. Packing a couple extra snacks might be a good idea.
  • Refillable water bottle
  • Indoor shoes
  • School supplies (voluntary, but helpful) 
    • 12 sharpened pencils
    • 3 erasers
    • 2 boxes of crayons (K-2)
    • 2 boxes of pencil crayons (3-8)
    • 1 box of markers (K-8)

VOLUNTARY STUDENT FEES: Historically, ALC has not collected voluntary student fees, but with the changes in funding, we are asking families to consider sending in the $20 voluntary fee to help us continue to provide learning experiences that we have covered in the past. This includes presentations, supporting with buses for field trips, class workshops.

What other School Fees might be requested throughout the year?

Over the course of the year you can expect requests for money for other reasons:

  • Field trips to enhance the curriculum. The fees requested are to pay for transportation and admission. Some field trips may be subsidized by the school to keep costs down through the use of voluntary student fees.
  • Competitive school sports teams: If your child makes a school team a small fee is requested to cover costs associated with attending sports competitions, including transportation in some cases.
  • Fundraising activities – throughout the school year there are various fundraising activities for good causes – this is always optional.
  • School Council Fundraising – to raise money school council organizes various fundraising activities, including hot lunch programs. The money raised helps support school programs.

ACCEPTABLE USE OF TECHNOLOGY: In order to access and use technology at school, students will need to have a completed Appropriate Use of Technology form on file. That form can be found here.

MEDIA RELEASE: All students will need to have a completed Media Release form on file. That form can be found here

TRANSPORTATION: Parent Portal is Open

OSTA’s Parent Portal is now open. Parents/guardians can login and review their child(ren)’s 2024- 2025 transportation information. Parents/guardians are reminded to check the Parent Portal regularly to confirm the route’s status, keeping in mind that OSTA continues to make route adjustments for efficiency and coverage. For help using the Parent Portal, please direct families to OSTA’s Parent Portal guide.

Those who create an account in the Parent Portal are automatically subscribed to OSTA’s email list.

This is a great way to stay up-to-date on what’s happening with student transportation.

You will need your child’s Ontario Education Number (OEN) to add a student to your Parent Portal (BusPlanner) account.

The OEN can be found on your child’s report card. If your child is new to the Ontario education system you may not yet have an OEN. You can contact the school office for this information if you do not already have it.

Carpooling, walking or biking to school   

Where possible, families are encouraged to connect with one another to carpool, walk or bike  to school if it’s safe to do so. OSTA has prepared walking route maps you may find helpful.

If you are able to arrange carpooling, please let the teachers of all the students know the plan, and set up a meeting place for all of the children that will be travelling together. This will help us ensure everyone is going with who they are supposed to be going with.

BIKERS: If students are biking to school, please make sure they have a lock to lock up their bike and are wearing a helmet.

Please remember that all bikes must be walked on school property- this includes parents who might be biking. 

Student safety

All drivers are asked to slow down and be extra cautious for students who may be walking or biking to school. Students should also be reminded about traffic safety when heading to school.

CLASS ASSIGNMENTS: Homeroom teachers will be connecting with families between 2:00 and 3:45  on Friday August 30, 2024. If you have not heard from your child’s teacher by 4:30, please email Trish at [email protected]. Please wait until 4:30 to reach out, giving teachers and email services time to send those messages to you.

CLASS CHANGES: While teachers spend a lot of time trying to create balanced classes in the Spring, inevitably there are some students who are not happy with their class placement once school starts. There are several considerations that are required when classes are made, and this year most of our junior classes are very large. Moving students from one class to another is a very complex process, and while we do not want to see students unhappy, our flexibility to make moves is very limited. We ask that you give students a chance to settle in over the next couple of weeks before trying to advocate for a class change. Very often, the class they have been placed in really is the one that will be best for them, they just might not see it on the first day. While peer groups might be the primary element of importance for them, their teachers from last year have thought long and hard about where they have been placed, and it will likely work out for the best for them.

We know the first few days bring on a lot of anxiety and stress. We are here to help, so if there is something we can do to ease the transition into the new year, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

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